I have given a few talks at various conferences and other contexts. I have collected them all here for your enjoyment. If you want me to come and give a presentation at your event or your company, feel free to contact me by e-mail directly.
Talks in English
- SEC-T 2016 Talk: SMT in RE - A talk about how SMT can be used in Reverse Engineering originally given at SEC-T 2016.
- Security Fest 2017 Talk: Reversing with determination - A talk about Reverse Engineering techniques at Security Fest 2017.
- SEC-T 2017 Talk: Unauthenticated encryption in the wild - A talk about the problems of using unauthenticated encryption given at SEC-T 2017.
- Nixucon 2018: Using SMT solvers for binary analysis and exploitation - Essentially my SEC-T 2016 and 2018 talks combined into a longer talk.
- SEC-T 2018 Talk: Fun with symbolic execution - A talk about symbolic exection and examples on how to use it.
- PasswordsCon 2018 - Protecting medical data with passwordless authentication - A talk about how we do authentication and identification at KRY/LIVI.
- Talk at Detectify - From Zero to Zero Day - A talk about my background how to get into security and an RCE in GitHub.
- Talk at Google Stockholm - From Overflow to Shell - A presentation about the basics of binary exploitation.
- Guest lecture at KTH - The Basics of Binary Exploitation - A presentation about the basics of binary exploitation.
- SecuriTea - Lecture on basics of binary exploitation - A presentation about the basics of binary exploitation.
- 0xFF - Talk and workshop about CTF - A presentation and workshop about CTFs.
- SecurityFest 2019 - Software Obfuscation with LLVM - A presentation about code obfuscation and LLVM.
- SEC-T 2019 - Game Boy hacking / Bringing VGA to the Game Boy - Two presentations given at SEC-T 2019 about Game Boy hacking and building a Game Boy VGA adapter
- Chalmers - Security at KRY/LIVI 2019 - A presentation I gave to students at Chalmers University about the security work at KRY/LIVI.
- Chalmers - Security at KRY/LIVI 2020 - A presentation I gave to students at Chalmers University about the security work at KRY/LIVI.
- MassifCon 2020 - Theft and Doxxing - A talk about the two most unethical things I have done in my career.
Upcoming talks
Currently none
Talks in Swedish
- Krypto i Vardagen - När det blir fel - A talk in Swedish about cryptography attacks as a guest lecturer at Stockholm University. Unfortunately I was very tired when doing this so the delivery is not top notch.
- IDG Cloud Confessions - GDPR ur ett startup-perspektiv - A talk about how we worked with GDPR at my workplace, KRY/LIVI, a healthcare startup.
- Talk at Försäkringsföreningen - Hacking som utbildning och tävling - A talk about CTFs and how to use them for security training.
- KonsulaTED #3 - Basics of binary exploitation - A talk at our private meetup about binary exploitation.