SEC-T CTF 2015: Writeups
Earlier this month I was at the SEC-T conference. In addition to listening to several awesome talks by very interesting speakers I also participated in the CTF which was held during the conference. We, HackingForSoju, chose to play individually rather than together in this CTF, which was available for remote players. We did this because it was a small competition and we thought it would be more fun to let everybody practice.
PoliCTF 2015: Writeups
This weekend we participacted in PoliCTF, a CTF arranged by Italian team Tower of Hanoi. It was a very well arranged 48 hours CTF with good variety and minimal amount of guesswork. We had five players working throughout the weekend: mxn, capsl, ZetaTwo, avlidienbrunn and hspe. We performed very well and ended up on second place. This brought us up to 12th place on the season scoreboard. In this post I will explain the challenges I solved:
On-Off Keying (ASK) with SDR
About a year ago I bought a HackRF from Great Scott Gadgets with the goal to learn more about radio and in particular software defined radio, SDR. Michael Ossmann of GSG has created a course in SDR which I started following which covers a lot of the basics. After completing the “hello world” of SDR, namely a FM radio receiver and listening to the episode about on-off keying, I started to think about what the next step for me would be. My family have a wireless doorbell which hasn’t been installed yet. It seemed like a perfect candidate for learning more about on-off keying, OOK, or amplitude shift keying, ASK, which it is also called.
Generating uniform random numbers
We have all probably at some point in our programming career been required to generate a uniformly distributed random number in an interval .
Site up again
After like two years or so, my site is up again. There is stuff missing but I may add some things back later. If you find any problems with the site, contact me or open an issue on the GitHub repo. A big thanks to f0qnax for providing me with the design.
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