Boldport Club project 5: The Tap
I have long had the wish to learn more about hardware and DIY electronics but never really found the right motivator or opportunity, that is until now. It was the day following “brexit” I saw a tweet retweeted by Travis Goodspeed promoting the Boldport Club (with a 20% discount). The Boldport Club is kind of like an old school book club which sent you a monthly book, only they send you a monthly DIY electronics kit to assemble. I thought this would be the perfect way to finally get into some hardware so I signed up for three months to try it out. In this post I will guide you through the process of assembling the first project: The Tap.
SANS Holiday Hack Challange 2015: Writeup
This post contains the write-up I submitted for the 2015 SANS Holiday Hack challenge. Enojy.
dJulkalender 2015: Writeups
The computer science chapter at my alma mater, KTH, arranges an advent calendar called “dJulkalendern”. It is a CTF-like puzzle with challenges (almost) every day until christmas and also a competition. Last time it was arranged in 2013, I won the challenge but this year I had to settle for a third place.
Solving the GCHQ christmas challenge with Microsoft Z3
British intelligence agency GCHQ has released a christmas card. It contains a sudoku like puzzle where you color squares in a grid according to a set of constraints. The christmas card challenge along with a description can be found on their website. It looked like it could be solved by hand without too much effort but I figured it would be more fun to write a program to solve it for me. Recently I have been playing with Microsoft’s constraint solver, Z3. I thought this would be a perfect tool to solve the challenge with.
As stated previously, the challenge consists of a grid, specifically a 25x25 grid with series of numbers written next to each column and row and with some of the cells already filled in. Below is an image of the grid. Apparently, this is famous type of puzzle called a Nonogram. I didn’t know this until after I wrote this and a friend pointed it out. You know what they say, you learn something every day.
DefCamp D-CTF Qualifiers 2015: Writeups
A few weeks ago we participated in the DefCamp D-CTF qualifiers. We performed really well and ended up in fourth place, just a single point behind number three. This earned us a place in the finals in Bucharest at the DefCamp conference.
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