Boldport Club Secret Santa - Build Log
As I have written about previously I’m a member of the Boldport Club. Apart from producing amazing DIY electronics projects it’s also a great community where electronics interested people interact. Like many communities, this christmas one member took the initiative to organize a secret santa. I thought this sounded like an excellent idea an signed up to this. You can see the end result on my Instagram. This blog post is a short description of what I made and what the process looked like.
T2 Conference 2018: My reflections
As mentioned previously on this blog, I managed to win myself a ticket to the T2 conference in Helsinki. I have visisted the conference once before, last time I won a ticket, in 2016 and had a great experience at that time so expectations were high. This post is a short summary of my experience at the conference.
T2 Challenge 2018 Winner
This year the annual T2 conference decided that their “challenge” would be a little bit different than previous years. I visited the conference in 2016 after winning a ticket through the T2 challenge and I was very impressed by the high quality of the event. This year the challenge was to submit an application proving “To showcase technical excellence and prove you deserve a free ticket”. Being from Sweden, as anyone who know about Swedish culture, this required en enormous amount of willpower as boasting about your skills is about as un-Swedish as it gets. However, I pushed through an submitted a motivational letter in the form of a classic five paragraph essay. To my slight surprise and great joy, I won the challenge! This means I’m going to the T2 conference next week. I’m really looking forward to it and hope to see you there. Again casting aside my cultural heritage, I have published the text I submitted to deserve this below.
Security Fest 2018 Challenge Badge & Prize Assembly
At this year’s Security Fest fellow security enthusiast Weckzén (@Wecksten) had created a challenge badge since he (rightly) believe that every con needs a challenge badge. I solved the challenge badge, got a prize from him in the form of a Pimoroni Pirate Radio which I assembled and documented here.
Static Jekyll site with S3, CloudFront & CodePipeline
Through my day job I been exposed a lot to AWS. I really like AWS and I think they create some cool services. Until now I have hosted this website on my own server (AWS EC2) using a stack of Ubuntu, Apache and Jekyll. With alternative solutions than doing everything yourself being all the rage now I decided to get rid of managing the server and try to host my website on AWS S3 instead. Yesterday I went ahead and did this migration. It was fairly easy and I went ahead and tweeted about it to which I got this reply by my friend Olle.
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